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Automation Systems > Industrial PC

Thanks to its resistance to external factors, it will also fulfill the expectation of 24/7 operation, which is the "estimated computer" expectation, because production should not stop. While "Industrial Computer" provides resistance to visible factors such as high temperature, vibration, humidity, IP65 / IP66, it must also provide electromagnetic which is an invisible factor. Industrial computer applications, as the most common problem, the activation of global warming should guarantee the environment.

industrial pc

industrial pc

Usage Areas of Industrial Computers

It is mostly used in the following applications to be used in all kinds of applications.

  • Evaluation, statistical process control and automatic machine equipment control applications for data collection
  • Stand-alone or network controller for data collection applications
  • Process equipment, motion control
  • Production, cell controllers
  • General automation and factory applications
Siemens Industrial Panel PC Somatic 277E Series
Siemens Simatic Box PC
Siemens Simatic RACK PC
SIEMENS SIMATIC Industrial Tablet PC
Industrial Computers